The Mickey and Michael Tikkun Olam Project, collected over 170 pounds of fruit from local backyards and delivered the food this past week to St. John’s Women’s Shelter and Loaves and Fishes. This is food that would probably have gone to waste and was so greatly appreciated by the organizations who feed those who are less fortunate. To the delight of the recipients, Mickey Zeff himself helped to deliver the fruit.
The Mickey and Michael Tikkun Olam team would greatly appreciate donations of your surplus garden fruits and vegetables and we encourage our Mosaic Law Congregation, family and friends to participate in our endeavor to provide fresh food to those in our community who are facing hunger and ‘food insecurities’. To assist you with this mitzvah you can place bags of produce by your front door, inform us by phone call or text that you have a donation and we will make a pick-up and deliver it to the St. John’s Women’s Shelter and/or Loaves and Fishes. Alternately, you may bring your donation to the KOH Library and Cultural Center or MLC Office (please leave us a message at the number or email below before dropping off your donation on campus).\r\n
Remember, no donation of fruit is too little and this is a Mitzvah that all of us can participate in. For more information please contact Taliah Berger, Executive Director of the Michael Boussina Inclusion Project, at 916-541-3720 or